CROPS, cultivos
CATTLE, bovinos
RELIEF, franquicia
SOIL, suelo
LABOUR, laboral
FARMER, agricultor
FARMER, agricultor
YIELD, rendimiento
HERD, rebaño
INPUT/OUTPUT, entrada/salida
Read this text and make a framework with the main ideas:
“ Agriculture is important for a number of reasons: - Agriculture provides employment. About 45% of the world’s workforce was employed in farming in the mid-1990s; Although the economic importance of agriculture is declining, as measured by contribution to GNP, it is still of considerable significance in many countries. In India it accounts for 30% of GNP, Ethiopia 51%, Ghana 45%, and Tanzania 56%. - Food production conti
nues to rise and yields per hectare have increased. - Trade in agricultural products h
as increased. - Farmland accounts for about 36% of global land use. About 10% of the world is used for arable agriculture, 26% for permanent pasture, 30% forest, and the rest urban and waste land. - Agriculture provides the basis of many manufacturing and service industries such as food processing, agricultural equipment, agricultural inputs (seeds, fertiliser, etc.) and a variety of services including finance, veterinary, m
arketing, and transport.”
*.Agriculture provides employment.
*.The importance of agriculture is declining.
*.Agriculture is important in some countries, like India.
*.Agricultural trade has increased.
*.Agriculture is the basis for many industries.
*.It also affects other sectors.
Join words and definitions.
Join words and definitions.
arable-the cultivation of crops
commercial-products are sold to make profit
intensive-high imputs and yields per unit area
nomadic-farmers moved seasonally with their herds
extensive-low imputs and yiels per unit area
pastoral-rearing animals
sedentary-farmers remain in the same place throughout the year
subsistence-products are consumed by the cultivators
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