
sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Desertic, this climate is desertic, because the temperatures are high and the rainfall is very low.

Mediterranean, in the winter are wet and the temperature is low; and in the summer is hot and there isn´t rain.

Humid subtropical climate, in this climate rain in all over the year; the winters are cold and the summers warm.


The Economy

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Key Words


Bens e Mercadorías: son productos materiais ou mercadorías como alimentos, ciches, zapatos...

Recursos naturais e materias primas: son os elementos do contorno natural.
Facotores productivos = traballo, recursos e capital.

Hipoteca: préstamo que che da o banco para comprar unha casa que ti devolves con intereses e coa casa como garantá da devolucuión do diñeiro.

Acción: representa parte do capital dunha empresa construída como unha sociedade anónima.

Globalización: mercado internacional. Situación que se da na actualidade, grazas sobre todo a mellora dos transportes e da comunicación e que permite a circulación de capital, mercadorias e persoas por todo o mundo. Esto pode levarnos no futuro a unha cultura uniforme.

Producto interior bruto: total da producción dun país.

Bolsa: e o lugar onde se compran e venden accións.

Oferta: servicios e productos que se venden.

Demanda: as persoas que están dispostas a comprar eses productos.

Deslocalización: movemento que realñizan algunhas empresas que trasladan os seus centros de traballo dende pais desarroiado a un do 3º mundo que teñen postos lavorais máis baixos.

Paro: e a poboación activa que non ten traballo.

Sindicatos: agrupación de traballadores organizados para loitar pola defensa e promoción dos seus intereses sociais.

World Climates

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

TUNDRA is a biome where the trees growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons.

SUBARTIC This climate is inteirmediary between moderate climate and very cold climate. The summers are colder and the winters more rigorous than in the moderate climate. It is possible to find this type of climate only in the northern hemisphere: the extreme North-East of the United States, Canada, major part of Russia and the North-East of China.

MARINE WEST COAST The marine or humid west coast climate is exactly what its name describes. This climate is found on the west coast of midlatitude continents and is very humid through most of the year. Its geographic location places it, in the path of westerly winds from the ocean that bring cloudy skies, precipitation, and mild temperatures. The distribution of the climate is greatly influenced by the orientation of mountain systems in North America and Europe.

HUMID CONTINENTAL is a climate found over large areas of landmasses in the temperate regions of the mid-latitudes where there is a zone of conflict between polar and tropical air masses.

MEDITERRANEAN the climate of the lands in theMediterranean Basin, which includes most of the area with this climate type worldwide. Beyond areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, this climatic type prevails in much of California, in northwestern Mexico, in parts of Western andSouth Australia, in southwestern South Africa, and in parts of central Chile and west-central Argentina.

HUMID SUBTROPICAL is a climate zone characterized by hot, humid summers and cool winters. This climate type covers a broad category of climates, and the term "subtropical" may be a misnomer for the winter climate.

DESERT The tropical desert is an environment of extremes: it is the driest and hottest place on earth. Rainfall is sporadic and in some years no measurable precipitation falls at all. The terribly dry conditions of the deserts is due to the year-round influence of subtropical high pressure and continentality.

MONSOON The tropical monsoon climate experiences abundant rainfall like that of the tropical rain forest climate, but it is concentrated in the high-sun season. Being located near the equator, the tropical monsoon climate experiences warm temperatures throughout the year.

TROPICAL DRY-WET is located on the poleward sides of the tropical wet climates, positioned between them and the tropical dry climates. This location places the climate at an intermediate position between the ITCZ and the Subtropical High. As a result, the climate experiences a distinct seasonality to its precipitation like that of the tropical monsoon climate. Also known as the "Savanna" climate, it supports a ground cover of drought resistant grasses with scattered trees, but not enough rainfall to make agriculture a viable, life sustaining activity.

EQUATORIAL The temperature of the equatorial regions is hot throughout the year, with a very low temperature range usually of less than 3 degrees celsius. It is also a very wet climate with annual precipitation often more than 2000 mm. It is a simple climate type to identify, as the line on the climate graph is almost straight.



The amazon river in South America is the largest river (by volume) in the world.

Fact File

NAME: Amazon.
LOCATION: South America, it acros Peru, Colombia and Brazil.
LENGTH: 7020 Km.
SOURCE: Apacheta cliff. (Peru)
DRAINS: 7.050.000 km (cadrados)
MOUTH: Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Elevation 0m.
  • The Amazon River is currently being walked from source to sea by Ed Stafford, having started in April 2008. It is believed to be the first navigation of the Amazon on foot.
  • The Amazon basin, the largest drainage basin in the world, covers about 40 percent of South America.
  • Not all of the Amazon's tributaries flood at the same time of the year. Many branches begin flooding in November, and may continue to rise until June.


Lewis and Clark's. Questions

1. Who had the idea of this adventure? Why?
The president, Thomas Jefferson. Because he want to make America richer and more powerful than ever before.

2. How did Mandan Indians be have with the expedition?
Madan Indians were good whith them. They were kind and welcoming, too.

3. Who helped the expedition to continue when the maps failed?
A Indian guide.

4. When did they finish the journey and come back home?
The expedition finally an the 7th November 1,805. The next spring, they back home and they came back to St. Louise the 23rd September 1,806.

5. Did they find an easy route, followed afterwards for other people? Why?

Yes, they find an easy route. Because they need to find new ways.


Hurricane Mitch

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

A tropical cyclone is a storm system characterized by a large low-pressure center and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and heavy rain

Most intense Atlantic hurricanes
Intensity is measured solely by central pressure




Min. pressure
mbar (hPa)










"Labor Day"





























One of the most devestating hurricanes of our time to cripple the country of Honduras was Hurricane Mitch. Hondurans watched in disbelief as Mitch circled just off the coast, leading no clues as to where it would strike next. To the amazement of all, it took a surprising turn and tore through the very center of the country, destroying major cities such as San Pedro Sula, and even the capital of Tegucigalpa.

The flooding was indescribable. San Pedro Sula's newly completed ultra-modern airport was 6 feet underwater. Its brand new, top of the line computer systems were useless. All equipment would need to be replaced. In outlying areas, people stranded on rooftops, surrounded by water, were helicoptered out to safety. Guananja, the most heavily damaged of the Bay Islands, would take years to recover.

Rebuilding the country of Hondurastook the strength of all its people, and that of many generous and empathetic donators of money, and more importantly, time. Help poured in from such far away nations as Japan, England, andRussia. The majority of countries donated to the cause of rebuilding Honduras. Hurricane Mitch's only good outcome was the bonding of humanity, across several lands, to forge ahead and create beauty from chaos.
