~ The main countries ti which UK imports are: Germany, France and other many countries. They are its business partners too.
UK imports and exports
martes, 27 de abril de 2010
~ The main countries ti which UK imports are: Germany, France and other many countries. They are its business partners too.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 13:00 0 comentarios
READING A GRAPH (more difficult)
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 12:41 0 comentarios
-In the UK in 1920, dominated the secondary sector. In 1995, increases the importance of the tertiary sector and other sectors decreased. This is called outsourcing.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 12:30 0 comentarios
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
~WELFARE STATE: A welfare state is a concept of government where the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens.
~TRADE: Trade is the voluntary exchange of goods, services, or both.
~INSURANCE : is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment.
~HEALTH SERVICES : The health-care industry incorporates several sectors that are dedicated to providing services and products dedicated to improving the health of individuals.
~HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION: Consumption is a common concept in economics, and gives rise to derived concepts such as consumer debt.
~INTEREST RATE: An interest rate is the price a borrower pays for the use of money they borrow from a lender, for instance a small company might borrow capital from a bank to buy new assets for their business, and the return a lender receives for deferring the use of funds, by lending it to the borrower.
~TERTIARISATION: is an economic and social transformation that affects the most developed countries since the last phase of the industrial revolution (third industrial revolution).
~MOTORWAY: a motorway is a dual carriageway limited access highway with grade separated junctions designed and built solely for motorised traffic.
~PIPELINE: pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe. Most commonly, liquid and gases are sent, but pneumatic tubes that transport solid capsules using compressed air have also been used.
~FREIGHT: goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship, aircraft, train, van or truck.
~GATT-WTO: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (typically abbreviated GATT) was negotiated during the UN Conference on Trade and Employment and was the outcome of the failure of negotiating governments to create the International Trade Organization (ITO).
~LEISURE: is a period of time spent out of work and essential domestic activity..
~SPA: is associated with water treatment which is also known as balneotherapy.
~RESORT: a resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or vacations.
~ENVIRONMENT: The biophysical environment is the symbiosis between the physical environment and the biological life forms within the environment, and includes all variables that comprise the Earth's biosphere.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 12:18 0 comentarios
A- Match these means of transport with their advantages and disadvantages:
.vantaxes: estos canales son baratos ainda que sexa en longos traxectos, é o mellor para transportar productos moi grandes.
.desvantaxes: hai moi poucas rutas, a sua construcción é moi cara.
.vantaxes: as rutas xa están construidas, xa que é o propio océano,son baratos ata en longas distancias.
.desvantaxes:é un medio de transporte moi lento, produce contaminación.
.vantaxes: teñen unhas rutas moi ben desenvolvidas, cercanas á población xa que esta tamén as emprega.
.desvantaxes: son caras de construír, non se poden transportar cargas moi grandes.
.vantaxes: é un medio de transporte rápido, custo económico en media e larga distancia.
.desvantaxes: é algo caro de construir, limitado ás rutas dependentes da xeografía, depende de se hai moitas montañas ou non.
.vantaxes: rápido, o seu mantemento é barato.
.desvantaxes: unha vez contruidos non se poden mover, dan problemas de contaminación.
.vantaxes: rápido, é un transporte bo e seguro.
.desvantaxes: ruido e contaminación visual, para contruir os aeroportos necesítanse moitas parcelas.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 12:10 0 comentarios
A- Read this text and answer:
a) Which factors influence Spain’s tourism growth?
~ Spain have an attractive climate.
~ Spain have a long coastline.
~ Spain have accessibility to countries in North West Europe.
~ Spanish’s competitive price oftourism, specially accommodation and dining.
~ Spanish’s distinctive culture.
b) Which places include the ‘Costa del sol’?
~ Torremolinos, Marbella, Fuengirola and Málaga.
c)Mention some negative consequences of touristic growth.
The cities vary greatly. It is necessary to build open spaces and green areas. Don’t build as many buildings and less near the sea. With tourism are built bars and hotels near the beach.This destroys the ecosystem. Tourists don’t throw garbage in the bins and contaminate the sea.
d) Where do tourists come from in Spain?
From France, Portugal, Germany and other countries.
B- Mark which ideas you think contribute to sustainable tourism:
~ Restrictive entry or pricing in special natural or historical places.
~ Promote equity in the distribution of the cost and benefits of tourism.
~ Involve local people in development processes.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 11:13 0 comentarios
7) Watch this video:
domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
Joni Mitchell, ‘Big yellow taxi’
What is she trying to tell us? Try to tell the world that are destrullendo cutting trees and other things. And we are neglecting the things that really are worth by looking the chicks and luxurious things.
Publicado por Aldara Garcia Ibañez en 6:12 0 comentarios